Natural Resource Management and Protect the Environment for Sustainable Development: 
Natural Resources are the main assest of rural people. Their livelihoods primarily depend on the use of natural resource like soil, water and forest. Sustainable management of these resources is critical to sustaining improving the livelihoods of rural communities. 
- Organise awareness generation camp on Jal, Jivan and Jangal Hariwali: Conducting community camps to raise awareness about the importance of water (Jal), life (Jivan), and forests (Jangal). These camps educate participants on sustainable practices for conserving these vital natural resources and the interconnectedness of water, life, and forest ecosystems.
- Farmers sensitization on use of Organic and Natural farming  for improved productivity of land : Educating farmers on the benefits of organic and natural farming methods to enhance soil health and land productivity. These sessions promote environmentally friendly agricultural practices, reduce reliance on chemical inputs, and improve crop yields sustainably. 
- Identify Potential water resource and maintain them: Surveying and identifying local water resources such as ponds, wells, and rivers. GVPS works on maintaining and rejuvenating these water bodies to ensure a reliable supply of water for agriculture and community use, contributing to water security and sustainability.
- Sencitization program on Water and Soil conservation: Implementing programs to educate communities about the importance of water and soil conservation techniques. These programs teach methods such as rainwater harvesting, contour plowing, and soil erosion control to preserve these critical resources and enhance agricultural productivity. 
- School Plantaion Program: Engaging students in tree planting activities within and around school premises. This initiative aims to instill a sense of environmental stewardship among young people, promote biodiversity, and create green spaces that benefit both the environment and the community. 
Case Study- 1: Sustainable Water Management in Rural Communities
In a remote village served by GVPS, located in a drought-prone region of Rajasthan, water scarcity was a significant challenge. The village relied heavily on groundwater for drinking and irrigation, leading to depletion of aquifers and unreliable water sources during dry seasons. This situation not only affected agricultural productivity but also had a detrimental impact on the health and livelihoods of the community.
GVPS initiated a sustainable water management program in collaboration with local stakeholders, focusing on community engagement and innovative solutions. The program aimed to address water scarcity through rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge, and efficient water use practices.
Rainwater Harvesting Structures: GVPS facilitated the construction of rooftop rainwater harvesting systems in households and community buildings. This helped in capturing rainwater for domestic use and recharging groundwater.
Check Dams and Contour Bunding: Check dams were constructed across seasonal streams to create small reservoirs for rainwater storage. Contour bunding was also implemented to reduce soil erosion and enhance groundwater recharge.
Community Training and Capacity Building: GVPS conducted training sessions on water conservation and sustainable agriculture practices. The community was educated on the importance of water management and trained in techniques such as mulching, crop rotation, and efficient irrigation methods.
Water User Committees: To ensure sustainable management of water resources, water user committees were formed. These committees were responsible for monitoring water use, resolving conflicts, and implementing water conservation measures.
Increased Water Availability: The implementation of rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge structures led to increased availability of water, especially during the dry season. This ensured a more reliable water supply for drinking and irrigation.
Improved Agricultural Productivity: With better access to water, agricultural productivity improved. Farmers were able to grow more crops and diversify their produce, leading to increased food security and income.
Community Empowerment: Through active participation in the management of water resources, the community developed a sense of ownership and responsibility. This empowered them to sustainably manage their water sources and adapt to changing climatic conditions.
Environmental Benefits: The program resulted in the restoration of local ecosystems, with improved soil fertility, increased vegetation cover, and enhanced biodiversity.
The sustainable water management program implemented by GVPS not only addressed water scarcity in the village but also had broader socio-economic and environmental benefits. By adopting innovative approaches and engaging the community, GVPS successfully demonstrated how effective water management can contribute to sustainable development in rural areas.
Case Study: School Gardening for Natural Resource Management
In a rural village in Rajasthan, where agriculture is the primary livelihood, Gramrajya Vikas Evam Prasikshan Sansthan (GVPS) initiated a school gardening program to educate students about natural resource management. The aim was to instill a sense of environmental stewardship and promote sustainable agricultural practices from a young age.
GVPS collaborated with local schools to establish vegetable gardens on school premises. The program involved students, teachers, and community members in all stages of gardening, from planning and planting to maintenance and harvest. The gardens were designed to be both educational and productive, demonstrating sustainable farming techniques that could be replicated at home.
Planning and Design: GVPS conducted workshops with teachers and students to plan the layout of the gardens. Factors such as crop selection, water availability, and space utilization were considered to maximize the benefits of the gardens.
Planting and Maintenance: Students were actively involved in planting seeds, transplanting seedlings, and caring for the plants. They learned about soil preparation, composting, and pest management, gaining practical knowledge about sustainable gardening practices.
Integration with Curriculum: The gardening activities were integrated into the school curriculum, with lessons on biology, environmental science, and agriculture. This approach ensured that the gardens were not only a practical learning tool but also reinforced classroom teachings.
Community Involvement: Parents and community members were encouraged to participate in the gardening activities. This not only strengthened the bond between the school and the community but also ensured the sustainability of the program beyond the school year.
Hands-On Learning: The school gardening program provided students with a hands-on learning experience, allowing them to see the principles of natural resource management in action. They learned about the importance of soil health, water conservation, and biodiversity conservation.
Nutritional Benefits: The gardens produced a variety of fresh vegetables, which were used in the school's mid-day meal program. This not only improved the nutritional intake of the students but also reduced the school's dependency on external food sources.
Environmental Awareness: Through the gardening activities, students developed a greater appreciation for the environment and the role they can play in conserving natural resources. They became more conscious of their impact on the environment and were motivated to adopt more sustainable practices in their daily lives.
Community Impact: The school gardens had a positive impact on the community as well. Parents and community members learned from the students' experiences and were inspired to start their own home gardens, leading to a broader adoption of sustainable agricultural practices in the village.
The school gardening program implemented by GVPS not only provided students with a practical learning experience but also had broader benefits for the community. By teaching students about natural resource management through hands-on activities, GVPS demonstrated the importance of sustainable practices in agriculture and environmental conservation.